Remember that your safety is more important than your report.
Always use caution during severe weather events.

Late reports are welcome, as well. We need to verify severe weather warnings. If you see damage - even if the damage occurred the day before - then please report this information.
What should I report?
Tornadoes - location of tornado - size of tornado - can you see debris - movement of tornado.
Funnel clouds - remember that funnel cloud must be rotating - how far to the ground is the funnel cloud - can you see debris on the ground - remember that damage can occur even though it may appear that the tornado has not reached the ground.
Damaging winds - type of damage (diameter of limbs - trees down - uprooted - snapped - structural damage - shingles off roof - windows broken)
Hail and hail size - use COINS as a size marker (dime, penny, nickel, quarter, half dollar - or golf ball, baseball, softball)
Flash flooding - street or cross street - water over road - houses surrounded by water - depth of water (approximate if known) - cars surrounded by water - people trapped in vehicles
Snowfall reports - see the slide below on how to measure snow
Who can I report to?
Tornado reports - report immediately to local law enforcement (call 911 if you are certain you are seeing a tornado) - ask them to pass the information on to the Paducah, Kentucky National Weather Service OfficeOR
Paducah, NWS Twitter (don't forget to put your location and time of the event)

Post your report on my Facebook - Beau Dodson Weather
Or the Paducah, KY NWS Facebook page
Here are some reporting tips!
We use spotter reports during severe weather for many things, so it is very important that you be as accurate as possible with your report.
Report only what you see - not what you think will happen, etc.
Be careful when you choose words to describe what you are seeing, especially related to damage. There is a big difference between a house that is destroyed and a house that just has its roof torn off!
Don't overstate the significance of what you are observing. Stick to the facts.
The following slides will help teach you more about what to report.
Tornado Safety Videos